Nguyễn Ngọc Sơn

I used to be a back-end Java and PHP developer but now I found joy in automation testing engineer position and sharing knowledge about it

How to consume API asynchronously in Rest Assured (Java)

Rest Assured is an easy-to-use Java-based library to consume API coming from Restful Web Service. If you want to find a powerful library for your API automation test suite, Rest Assured is one of the most appropriate choice. In real project, sometimes it takes noticeably time to wait until API calls are completed. One way …

How to consume API asynchronously in Rest Assured (Java) Read More »

Stimulate network throttling in Playwright (Typescript/JavaScript)

In this previous article, I already show you how easily to stimulate network throttling in Selenium Java for Chrome. It is also very easy to apply for Playwright (Typescript/JavaScript). If you do not know how to create a basic project with Playwright (Typescript), please just refer to Playwright docs first. Full code with comment as …

Stimulate network throttling in Playwright (Typescript/JavaScript) Read More »

Stimulate Network Throttling in Selenium (Java)

When automating test case using Selenium, there are some special cases which you need to emulate network throttling. Fortunately, Selenium provides a way to simulate different network conditions through Chrome DevTools protocol. In this article, let’s find out how we can emulate network throttling for Chrominum browser (Chrome/MS Edge…) in Selenium (Java). Note that, I …

Stimulate Network Throttling in Selenium (Java) Read More »

How to handle strict mode in Playwright (Typescript/Javascript)

Strict mode in Playwright means locators are strict. Any locator which resolves to more than one element will become invalid and it makes Playwright throw this ugly exception: => This Exception means we have violated strict mode as our locator resolved to 10 elements instead of 1. Strict mode is useful in almost situations but …

How to handle strict mode in Playwright (Typescript/Javascript) Read More »

Data Driven Testing with Playwright (Typescript)

Data-driven testing is a powerful technique that allows you to run the same test code with different sets of data, making your test suite more comprehensive and efficient. In this article, let’s see how to perform data-driven testing using Playwright and Typescript. Please note that I will not focus on setting up Playwright (Typescript) from …

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Handle download in Playwright (Typescript)

Download is an important feature of any website. Playwright does support native API for automate test cases related to it. In this article, let’s see how to handle download in Playwright (Javascript/Typescript). Please note that this article will not focus on how to set up a Playwright automation project from beginning. If you do not …

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Mocking Swipe Action in Playwright (Typescript)

Playwright is an automation tool first released in January 2020 for web/mobile browsers. It supports many modern browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. It does have friendly API that supports developers to quickly get used to it. Swipe is an action of mobile devices. Recently, Playwright does not support API to stimulate swipe. But we …

Mocking Swipe Action in Playwright (Typescript) Read More »

Start a performance testing project with Locust (Python)

Performance testing is an essential part of software development, as it allows developers to determine how well an application can perform under different conditions. There are various tools available in market right now like Jmeter, Gatling, K6, Go…And Locust, a Python-based, distributed, and scalable load testing tool that enables developers to write test scenarios using …

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Start an automation testing project with Selenium C#

Selenium is a popular automation testing tool to stimulate user action for browser. It supports many modern browser like: Chrome, Firefox, MsEdge, Safari…and also has so many language bindings (Ruby, Python, Java, Javascript…) C# may be not the best choice for Selenium but it still rocks. The most advantage of choosing C# instead of another …

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