Selenium Java

Stimulate Network Throttling in Selenium (Java)

When automating test case using Selenium, there are some special cases which you need to emulate network throttling. Fortunately, Selenium provides a way to simulate different network conditions through Chrome DevTools protocol. In this article, let’s find out how we can emulate network throttling for Chrominum browser (Chrome/MS Edge…) in Selenium (Java). Note that, I …

Stimulate Network Throttling in Selenium (Java) Read More »

How to run Chrome/Firefox/MSEdge in headless mode and private mode using Selenium (Csharp/Java/Python)

In 2023, Selenium is still a popular automation testing tool. It does support many running mode to adapt to your requirements. Headless Mode is a feature that allows the browser to run without a graphical user interface (GUI), making it faster and more efficient for running automated tests. It is recommend when running testcases in …

How to run Chrome/Firefox/MSEdge in headless mode and private mode using Selenium (Csharp/Java/Python) Read More »